What size suits?

choose a size that suits and scroll down to book your kiwibin

You save the most by paying yearly but choose whichever frequency suits your life.

120L wheelie bin

The 120L is perfect for a smaller household (1-2 people) or a household conscious of reducing their waste. It’s the wee one you see on the roadside.

We empty the 120L weekly at residential and commercial properties. Check the map for collection days.

Choose how often you pay: weekly, monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly or Yearly. I.e. You save over $50 a year paying yearly vs weekly. Weekly ($8.60/week) compared to Yearly: ($7.48/week.)

240L wheelie bin

The 240L suits a household with 3 or more people. It’s the bigger size you’ll be used to seeing on the roadside.

We empty the 240L weekly at residential and commercial properties. Check the map for collection days.

Choose how often you pay: weekly, monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly or Yearly. I.e. You save over $89 a year paying yearly vs weekly. Weekly ($12.20/week) compared to Yearly: ($10.48/week).

660L mini skip bin

The 660L is a small size mini skip, well suited for commercial use or when you have multiple households on 1 property.

We empty the 660L weekly at residential and commercial properties. Check the map for collection days.

We have a limited number of these mini skip bins available weekly at $49.00

1100L mini skip bin

The 1100L is a larger size mini skip, well suited for commercial use or when you have multiple households on 1 property.

We empty the 1100L weekly at residential and commercial properties. Check the map
for collection days.

We have a limited number of these mini skip bins available weekly at $68.00

Rather have the rubbish picked up when it suits you?

Drum rubbish collection - Txt 021 203 3205 to empty

Our old school drums are emptied on a text system, text us on 021 203 3205 the day before or before 8am the day of pick up at the latest, we’ll come swap your drum for a fresh one.

The drums are golden oldies, people love the flexibility and they love catching up with Eric when he comes to grab the drum from the back door, he’s been doing it for over 25 years after all, he even used to own the business himself!

$23.00 per empty, but how do you pay? You can pay cash on the day or through a bank deposit / internet payment.


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